兵庫県立大学 ピコバイオロジー研究所


〒678-1297 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町光都3-2-1

研究業績Study achievements


  • Complex structure of cytochrome c-cytochrome c oxidase reveals a novel protein-protein interaction mode. Shimada S, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Baba J, Aoe S, Shimada A, Yamashita E, Kang J, Tateno M, Yoshikawa S, Tsukihara T. EMBO J. 36, 291-300 (2017)


  • The Mg2+-containing water cluster of mammalian cytochrome c oxidase collects four pumping proton equivalents in each catalytic cycle. Yano N, Muramoto K, Shimada A, Takemura S, Baba J, Fujisawa H, Mochizuki M, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Yamashita E, Tsukihara T, Yoshikawa S. J Biol Chem. 291, 23882-23894 (2016)
  • Energetic mechanism of cytochrome c-cytochrome c oxidase eletron transfer complex formation under turnover conditions revealed by mutational effects and docking simulation. Sato W, Hitaoka S, Inoue K, Imai M, Saio T, Uchida T, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Yoshikawa S, Yoshizawa K, Ishimori K. J Biol Chem. 291, 15320-15331 (2016)
  • Purification of active respiratory supercomplex from bovine heart mitochondria enables functional studies. Shinzawa-Itoh K, Shimomura H, Yanagisawa S, Shimada S, Takahashi R, Oosaki M, Ogura T, Tsukihara T. J Biol Chem. 291, 4178-4184 (2016)
  • Two-dimensional crystallization of monomeric bovine cytochrome c oxidase with bound cytochrome c in reconstituted lipid membranes. Osuda Y, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Tani K, Maeda S, Yoshikawa S, Tsukihara T, Gerle C. Microscopy. 65, 263-267 (2016)
  • The pathological effects of connexin 26 variants related to hearing loss by in silico and in vitro analysis. Kim HR, Oh SK, Lee ES, Choi SY, Roh SE, Kim SJ, Tsukihara T, Lee KY, Jeon CJ, Kim UK, Hum Genet. 135, 287-298 (2016)


  • GraDeR: Membrane Protein Complex Preparation for Single-Particle Cryo-EM. Hauer F, Gerle C, Fischer N, Oshima A, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Shimada S, Yokoyama K, Fujiyoshi Y, Stark H. Structure. 23, 1769-1775 (2015)
  • X-ray structure of cyanide-bound bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in the fully oxidized state at 2.0 Å resolution. Yano N, Muramoto K, Mochizuki M, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Yamashita E, Yoshikawa S, Tsukihara T. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 71, 726-730 (2015)
  • Bovine F1Fo ATP synthase monomers bend the lipid bilayer in 2D membrane crystals. Jiko C, Davies KM, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Tani K, Maeda S, Mills DJ, Tsukihara T, Fujiyoshi Y, Kühlbrandt W, Gerle C. Elife. 4, e06119 (2015)
  • Higd1a is a positive regulator of cytochrome c oxidase. Hayashi T, Asano Y, Shintani Y, Aoyama H, Kioka H, Tsukamoto O, Hikita M, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Takafuji K, Higo S, Kato H, Yamazaki S, Matsuoka K, Nakano A, Asanuma H, Asakura M, Minamino T, Goto Y, Ogura T, Kitakaze M, Komuro I, Sakata Y, Tsukihara T, Yoshikawa S, Takashima S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112, 1553-1558 (2015)
  • Structural Analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes NADH Oxidase: Conformational Dynamics Involved in Formation of the C(4a)-Peroxyflavin Intermediate. Wallen JR, Mallett TC, Okuno T, Parsonage D, Sakai H, Tsukihara T, Claiborne A. Biochemistry. 54, 6815-6829 (2015)
  • Crystal Structures of a Piscine Betanodavirus: Mechanisms of Capsid Assembly and Viral Infection. Chen NC, Yoshimura M, Guan HH, Wang TY, Misumi Y, Lin CC, Chuankhayan P, Nakagawa A, Chan SI, Tsukihara T, Chen TY, Chen CJ. PLoS Pathog. 11, e1005203 (2015)
  • Reaction mechanism of cytochrome c oxidase. Yoshikawa S, Shimada A. Chem Rev. 115, 1936-1989(2015)
  • Respiratoryconservation of energy with dioxygen: cytochrome c oxidase. Met. Yoshikawa S, Shimada A, Shinzawa-Itoh K. Ions Life Sci. 15, 89-130 (2015)


タンパク質結晶成長機構兵庫県立大学 ピコバイオロジー研究所

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FAX 0791-58-0489