
University of HyogoDepartment of Material Science
Graduate School of Science
Functional Coordination 
Chemistry  Laboratory


Exploring New Frontiers of Functional Coordination Chemistry
from Molecules to Supramolecular Ensemble

research policy研究方針

Extending the Frontiers of Synthetic and Structural Chemistry of Functional Metal Complexes.

We are developing the frontier of functional metal complexes and their supramolecular ensemble based on synthetic and structural chemistry.


research themes研究テーマ

Research Themes

I. Development of Bottom-Up Approach to a New Series of Functional Multi-Metallic Coordination Clusters in Solid, Liquid and their Interfaces

Keyword: Electro-Functional Chemistry

II. Chemical Crystallography of Functional Maltimetal Complexes

Keyword: Photo-Functional Chemistry

III. Development of Functional Metal Complexes Using Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Properties

Keyword: Molecular Electrochemistry