メンバー | 八田公平




  1. 地元の催しに参加すること
    • 相生かきまつり(焼きガキや、ど根性大根大ちゃんのクローンがおいしい)
    • 西播磨星まつり(バッハのピアノ生演奏を聴きながら、世界最大の公開望遠鏡のもとで、ペルセウス流星群を眺める)
    • 姫路菓子博(工芸菓子が美しい)
    • ペーロン祭り(花火が本格的)
  2. 美術館
  3. 最近やっていませんがスポーツ




「脳の話」 時実利彦 岩波新書 (1962年)







1988年 京都大学大学院理学研究科生物物理学講座博士課程卒業。理学博士。米国オレゴン大学神経科学研究所、仏国パスツール研究所、理化学研究所発生・再生総合科学研究所を経て、2007年より現職。




Hatta, K., T. F. Schilling, R. A. BreMiller, and C. B. Kimmel (1990)Specification of jaw muscle identity in zebrafish: Correlation with Engrailed-homeoprotein expression. Science 250:802-805.
Kimmel, C. B., K. Hatta., and W. K., Metcalfe (1990) Early axonal contacts during development of an identified dendrite in the brain of the zebrafish. Neuron 4: 535-545.
Hatta, K., C. B. Kimmel, R. K. Ho, and C. Walker (1991) The Cyclops mutation blocks specification of the floor plate of the zebrafish CNS. Nature 350: 339-341.
Hatta, K., R. A. BreMiller, M. Westerfield, and C. B. Kimmel (1991) Diversity of expression of engrailed homeoproteins in zebrafish. Development 112: 821-832.
Hatta, K. (1992) Role of the floor plate in axonal patterning in the zebrafish CNS. Neuron 9: 629-642.
Hatta, K., A. W. Puchel, and C. B. Kimmel (1993) Midline signaling in the primordium of the zebrafish anterior central nervous system. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 2061-2065.
Inoue, A., M. Takahashi, K. Hatta, Y. Hotta, and H. Okamoto (1994) Developmental regulation of Islet-1 mRNA expression during neuronal differentiation in embryonic zebrafish. Devel. Dynamics 199: 1-11.
Yan, Y.-L., K. Hatta, B. Riggleman, and J. H. Postlethwait (1995) Expression of a type II collagen gene in the zebrafish embryonic axis. Devel. Dynamics 203: 363-376.
Hatta, K. and Y. Takahashi (1996) Secondary axes induced by heterospecific organizers in zebrafish. Devel. Dyanmics 205: 183-195.
Strale, U., S. Jesuthasan, P. Blader, P. Garcia-Villalba, K. Hatta, and P. W. Ingham. (1997) one-eyed pinhead is required for development of the ventral midline of the zebrafish. Genes Funct. 1, 131-148.
Halpern, M., K. Hatta, S. L. Amahcer, W. S. Talbot, Y.-L. Yan, B. Thisse, C. Thisse, J. H. Postlethwait, and C. B. Kimmerl (1997) Genetic interactions in zebrafish midline development. Devel. Biol. 187, 154-170.
Beattie, C. E. K. Hatta, M. E. Halpern, H. Liu, J. S. Eisen, and C. B. Kimmel (1997) Temporal separation in the specification of primary and secondary motoneurons in zebrafish. Devel. Biol. 187, 171-182.
Hatta, K. and H. Korn (1998) Physiological properties of the Mauthner-system in the adult zebrafish. J. Comp. Neurology 395, 493-509.
Hatta, K. and H. Korn (1999) Tonic inhibition alternates in paired neurons that set direction of fish escape reaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 12090-12095.
Hatta, K., N. Ankri, D. S. Faber and H. Korn (2001) Slow inhibitory potentials in the teleost Mauthner cells. Neuroscience 103, 561-579.
Shimizu, T., Yabe, T., Muraoka, O., Yonemura, S., Aramaki, S., Hatta, K., Bae, Y.K., Nojima, H., and Hibi, M. (2005) E-cadherin is required for gastrulation cell movements in zebrafish. Mech. Dev. 122(6):747-763
Aramaki, S., and Hatta, K. (2006) Visualizing neurons one-by-one in vivo: optical dissection and reconstruction of neural networks with reversible fluorescent proteins. Dev. Dyn. 235(8):2192-2199
Hatta, K., Tsujii, H., and Omura, T. (2006) Cell tracking using a photoconvertible fluorescent protein. Nat. Prot. 1(2):960-967
Kurotaki, Y., Hatta, K., Nakao, K., Nebeshima, Y., and Fujimori, T. (2007) Blastocyst axis is specified independently of early cell lineage but aligns with the ZP shape. Science 316(5825):719-723


Ki mmel, C. B., T. F. Schilling, and K. Hatta (1991) Patterning of Body segments of the zebrafish embryo. Curr. Top. Devel. Biol., pp. 77-110.
Kimmel, C. B., K. Hatta, and J. S. Eisen (1991) Genetic control of primary neuronal development in zebrafish. Development Suppl. 2: 47-57.
Kimmel, C. B., A. Molven, T. J. Ellis, K. Hatta, R. K. Ho, D. A. Kane, T. F. Schilling, C. Walker, and R. M. Warga (1993) Developmental and mutational analysis of body pattern formation: the zebrafish model. In Physiological and Biochimical Aspects of Fish Development, B. T. Walther and H. J. Fyhn, eds., University of Bergen Press, Bergen, Norway, pp. 22-29.
Hatta, K. and C. B. Kimmel (1993) Midline structures and CNS coordinates in zebrafish. Perspect. Neural Devel. 1: 257-268..


八田公平 神経遊走における認識機構 細胞工学8, 513-522(1989)
八田公平 ゼブラフィッシュ神経系における細胞の操作
「新生化学実験講座14 発生・分化・老化」
日本生化学会編 p215-221 東京化学同人(1992)
八田公平 ゼブラフィッシュの発生遺伝学
八田公平 ゼブラフィッシュの神経回路形成
「Annual Review細胞生物学3」
御子柴克彦、月田承一朗編 p219-235 中外医学社(1993)
八田公平 ゼブラフィッシュの胚発生過程と遺伝子群
西田育巧、桂勲、中辻憲夫編 p2433-2442(1993)
八田公平 発生遺伝学材料としてのゼブラフィッシュ
八田公平 脳形成の遺伝子支配