研究成果 | 八田研究室



Nikaido M, Izumi S, Ohnuki H, Takigawa Y, Yamsu K, Hatta K.
Early development of the enteric nervous system visualized by using a new transgenic zebrafish line harboring a regulatory region for choline acetyltransferase a (chata) gene.
Gene Expr Patterns. 28:12-21 (2018)


Itoh M, Hatta K. Munch’s SCREAM:
A spontaneous movement by zebrafish larvae featuring strong abduction of both pectoral fins often associated with a sudden bend. Neurosci Res. 94:17-27 (2015) 査読あり


Itoh M, Yamamoto T, Nakajima Y, Hatta K.
Multi-stepped optogenetics connects neurons and behaviors. Curr. Biol. 24:R1155-1156 (2014) 査読あり

Aigler SR, Jandzik D, Hatta K, Uesugi K, Stock DW.
Selection and constraint undelie irreversibility of tooth loss in cypriniform fishes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:7707-7712 (2014) 査読あり

Moly PK, Ikenaga T, Kamihagi C, Islam AF, Hatta K.
Identification of initially appearing glycine-immunoreactive neurons in the embryonic zebrafish brain. Dev Neurobiol. 74:616-632 (2014) 査読あり


「ゼブラフィッシュを用いたオプトジェネティクス研究:多段階光遺伝学と単一細胞光遺伝学へ」p. 514-159 「オプトジェネティクスー光工学と遺伝学による行動制御技術の最前線」エヌティーエス出版 (2013)

Katsumoto S, Hatta K, Nakagawa M :
Brief hypo-osmotic shock causes test cell death, prevents neurula rotation, and disrupts left-right asymmetry in Ciona intestinalis.
Zoolog Sci.May;30(5):352-9. doi: 10.2108/zsj.30.352.(2013)

Okamoto S,Nakagawa M,and Hatta K :
Stochastic Ca(2+) waves that propagate through the neuroepithelium in limited distances of the brain and retina imaged with GCaMP3 in zebrafish embryos.
Zoological Society of Japan.Sep;30(9):716-23. doi: 10.2108/zsj.30.716.(2013)


Nishitsuji, K., Horie, T.(筑波大学), Ichinose, A.(甲南大学), Sasakura, Y.(筑波大学), Yasuo, H. (UPMC University of Paris 06), and Kusakabe, T.G.(甲南大学):
Cell lineage and cis-regulation for a unique GABAergic/glycinergic neuron type in the larval nerve cord of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis.
Dev. Growth Differ. 54 , 177-186. (2012)

Nakayama S, Ikenaga T, Kawakami K (国立遺伝学研究所), Ono F (NIH), Hatta K.
A transgenic line with Gal4 insertion useful to study morphogenesis of craniofacial perichondrium, vascular endothelium-associated cells, floor plate, and dorsal midline radial glia during zebrafish development.
Development, Growth and Differentiation. 54: 202-215.(2012)


Moly PK, Hatta K :
Early glycinergic axon contact with the Mauthner neuron during zebrafish development.
Neuroscience Research. 70: 251-259. (2011)

Ikenaga T, Urban JM (NIH), Gebhart N (University of Florida), Hatta K, Kawakami K(国立遺伝学研究所), Ono F (NIH) :
Formation of spinal network in zebrafish determined by domain-specific Pax genes.
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 519: 1562-1579. (2011)


山本珠実・Moly Pricila Khan・橋本琢人・篭島靖・上杉健太朗 (JASRI)・竹内晃久・鈴木芳生・藤田恭平・中山創平・伊藤真理子・磯田恵里佳・田島一剛・松下淑江・八田公平:
屈折コンストラストX線マイクロCT 解折による脊椎動物初期胚の脳における細胞核の観察. 平成20・21年度 SPring-8重点メディカルバイオ成果報告書, 4-6 (2010)

藤田恭平・中山創平・山本珠実・Moly Pricila Khan・上杉健太朗(JASRI)・磯田恵里佳・伊藤真理子・田島一剛・原真弓・松下淑恵・山崎権彦・八田公平:
成体のゼブラフィッシュとメダカにおける呼吸・摂食運動における頭部骨格系の運動機序の成体観察、および歯の立体構造のX線マイクロCTによる高解像度解 析. 平成20・21年度 重点SPring-8メディカルバイオ成果報告書, 7-10 (2010)

原田達典・池永隆徳・田島一剛・上杉健太朗・山本珠実・モリー プリシラ カーン・中島洋平・八田公平:咽頭歯の形態の多様性と適応戦略:
脊椎動物摂食 行動のX線ライブイメージング解析. 平成20・21年度 SPring-8重点メディカルバイオ成果報告書, 137-141 (2010)


Itoh, H, Fujita, F., and Hatta, K.
A sleep disorder in zebrafish: analysis of a population that spawn before dawn. (in Japanese with English abstract and figure legends)
Reports of Graduate School of Material Science and Life Science, University of Hyogo 19, 19-28 (2008)

Yagi, H., Nakagawa, M., Takahashi, N., Kondo, S., Matsubara, M., and Kato, K.
Neural complex-specific expression of xylosyl N-glycan in Ciona intestinalis.
Glycobiology 18 (2), 145-151 (2008)

Shimada, A., Yabusaki, M., Niwa, H., Yokoi, H., Hatta, K., Kobayashi, D., and Takeda, H.
Maternal-zygotic medaka mutants for fgfr1 reveal its essential role in the migration of the axial mesoderm but not the lateral mesoderm.
Development 135 (2), 281-290 (2008)

Vandenbon, A., Miyamoto, Y., Takimoto, N., Kusakabe, T. and Nakai, K.
Markov chain-based promoter structure modeling for tissue-specific expression pattern prediction.
DNA Res. 15 (1), 3-11 (2008)

Kurotaki, Y., Hatta, K., Nakao, K., Nebeshima, Y., and Fujimori, T.
Blastocyst axis is specified independently of early cell lineage but aligns with the ZP shape.
Science 316(5825):719-723(2007)