laboratory of Regeneration biology

                           Graduate School of life science, University of hyogo


Regeneration Biology



Prof. Yoshihiko Umesono


Associate Prof. Makoto Mochii


Assistant prof. Hidefumi Orii


Aim of research: Regeneration is one of the most intriguing phenomena in post-embryonic development, made possible by extraordinary plasticity of cells in response to wounding in a context-dependent manner. "How do planarians regenerate their missing tissues and organs by activating pluripotent stem cells?" "How do Xenopus tadpoles regenerate their missing tails?" Unveiling the molecular logics behind these questions may contribute to developing better treatments for damaged tissues and organs in human.


                             Laboratory of Regeneration Biology

        Graduate School of Life science, University of Hyogo

        3-2-1 Kouto, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo, 678-1297, Japan

                             Tel/Fax: +81-791-58-0186

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